Awards for a Humble
Citizen Continue

In 1999, Montgomery received Leadership Oklahoma's Lifetime Achievement Award. The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture hosted a Black History Month luncheon in 2000 where Montgomery was recognized for his outstanding contributions to Oklahoma's agriculture. That same year he was inducted into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame, presented by his long-time friend and one of his first clients in Poteau, Fox Wood III. Montgomery credited Doris for his life's work, and he would insist that he was not worthy of all the awards and recognition.

I just did what I ought to do and I don't think you ought to be honored for things you ought to do."

What specific actions did Montgomery take to improve the quality of life for all in our state and merit all of the honors he received?

Image: Dr. John Montgomery was presented the Oklahoma Hall of Fame Medallion by his longtime friend Fox Wood III on the night of the 2000 induction ceremony. Oklahoma Hall of Fame Archives.

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